What is a screening colonoscopy?
Colonoscopy is the best test currently available to detect colorectal cancer. An endoscope (slim flexible tube with a camera at the tip) is passed through the colon while the physician carefully looks for precancerous lesions or polyps. The test usually takes 15 to 20 minutes on average.
Who should get a colonoscopy?
Individuals 50 years or older and anyone with a family history or those experiencing unexplained constipation, diarrhea, weight loss, or blood in their stool or toilet tissue should speak to their physician.
What is the colonic preparation like?
You prep the day before by drinking a bowel cleanser and following a special diet. Different colonic preparations are commercially available and are more palatable and demand less liquid intake than in the past.
Is a colonoscopy painful?
No! Prior to the colonoscopy a sedative is administered under the supervision of an anesthesiologist. Patients usually wake up shortly after the colonoscopy with little to no discomfort.
Is there anything you can do to guarantee never getting colon cancer?
No. There are no special foods, herbs or bowel cleansers that will prevent colon cancer. Undergoing timely colorectal cancer screenings is the best thing you can do to prevent the development of colon cancer.
Contact Information
General Surgery, Elkton
137 West High Street
Suite 2B
Elkton, MD 21921
Tel: (443) 305-5850
Fax: (410) 620-2277
ChristianaCare GI Associates at Elkton
Medical Professional Building
111 West High Street
Suite 112
Elkton, MD 21921
Tel: (410) 398-8888
Fax: (410) 398-0328
Saima Khan, MD
Gender: Female
Languages: English and Urdu
Specialties: General and Breast surgery
Training: Aga Khan University Medical College in Karachi, Pakistan
Residency: ChristianaCare – General Surgery
Saima Khan, M.D. is a board-certified general surgeon, with a focus on breast, colorectal and hernia surgeries. She also specializes in wound care and hyperbaric medicine. As a physician she works closely with her patients and the patient care team to develop a comprehensive surgical plan. She practices evidence -based medicine that allows her to offer her
patients the most up to date clinical research and medical innovation.
Dr. Khan earned her medical degree from the Aga Khan University Medical College in Karachi, Pakistan. She completed her general surgery residency at Christiana Care where she was awarded Trauma Resident of the year. She serves as the Chief of Surgical Services at Christiana Care Union Hospital.
She believes the ability to serve and help others is a privilege and recognizes the importance of communication, empathy, education and innovation while delivering standard of care to her patients. She is her patient’s greatest advocate and cheerleader. She is also a great proponent of physician wellbeing. She is an active member of multiple surgical societies. She lives in Delaware and enjoys spending her free time with her family.