Sleep Study

Sleeping well is important to your health

If you’re not sleeping well, you can’t function to your highest potential. If you feel tired, you can even develop significant health problems, and even jeopardize the well-being of others. How serious are sleep disorders? About one-third of us suffer from them. The result is fatigue, irritability and a lack of concentration that interfere with everyday life.

Our Sleep Center is dedicated to getting to the cause of sleep disorders. Located on the fourth floor of Union Hospital, we provide closely monitored expert care using highly sophisticated technology. Our technologists are supervised by Medical Director Hummayun Ismail, M.D., a pulmonologist with a special interest and board certification in Sleep Disorder Medicine. Because we’re located in Union Hospital, you’ll benefit from our direct access to other specialists, such as neurologists and otolaryngologists, if they’re needed.

Our medical team will work closely with you and your family to provide the most successful treatments possible. Electroencephalograms (EEGs) and other tests may be used to diagnose your condition. We’ll also communicate with your doctor, so once tests and treatments are completed, your care plan can be reviewed.

If you have any of these symptoms you may have a sleep disorder that could be diagnosed during a sleep study:

  • Interrupted breathing while sleeping (observed by sleep partner)
  • Excessive daytime sleepiness
  • Falling asleep when inactive and at inappropriate times
  • Headache or confusion when awakening
  • Rhythmic limb or body movements when asleep
  • Male sexual impotence
  • Onset of hypertension and other cardiac problems
  • Difficulty in falling asleep
  • Loud snoring
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Continual awakening during the night
  • Non-refreshing sleep
  • Sleep terrors or nightmares
  • Irregular heartbeat during the night
  • Weight gain
  • Nighttime leg cramps
  • Teeth grinding while asleep
  • Problems with adjusting to shift work
  • Bedwetting
  • Behavioral concerns or hyperactivity

Contact Information

Sleep Disorders Center

Tel: (410) 392-7050

Call for an appointment.